Friday, May 8, 2009

Being Nikki

Hey girlies,

The book that I just started a few days ago is Being Nikki, its the sequel to Meg Cabot's Airhead, which I liked alot. I love Meg Cabot and she is one of my favorite authors, so I'm sure this will be a great read, when I finish, which should be in the next day or two, ill give an update and summary. Till then, tata!

XOXO Book Babe

Monday, May 4, 2009


This is the book I just finished reading, its called Fade and its By Lisa McMann. The Book is a sequal to Wake, and is about a girl who falls into other peoples dreams, and can help turn them around. She just discovered this power and works with her boyfriend Cabe and the police department to solve crimes using the dreams. This book was unbelievable, and their are parts where I couldn't believe what I was reading. The first book was amazing as it is, but this one really topped it. I encourage all girls to read this series.
XOXO Book Babe

Hey hey!

Hey guys, this is my first blog so I really have no idea what I'm doing. First off I love books, and I have so MANY!! The idea of my blog is that you can borrow my books, for a small price, and then share with me your fav books, Ill feature the book that I'm reading at the moment, and we can chat about it. I just finished reading Fade by Lisa McMann, which i can talk about in another post. I'm trying to get the hang of this, so gimme a week or so to get this all going.

XOXO Book Babe